Implementation of the Mission on the Good Governance Strategy in Bangladesh
To improve the effectiveness of its long-term development plan “Vision 2021” and its mid-term development plan “Sixth Five-Year Plan (2011-2015),” the People’s Republic of Bangladesh considers it essential to improve the field of good governance – especially eradicating corruption and maintaining integrity. In October 2012, the Cabinet approved the National Integrity Strategy (NIS), which aims for such outcomes as the sound execution of laws and regulations, the reform and development of the administrative organization and procedures, and the establishment of a code of conduct for government employees. During the process of establishing the NIS, consultations were held among the relevant agencies government and Cabinet Division, including nongovernment agencies. Each of the agencies analyzed issues concerning the construction of good governance and drew up short-term, medium-term and long-term action plans. Each of them is expected to establish an ethics committee, prepare and carry out a detailed implementation plan and monitor the state of the implementation. In addition, the Cabinet Division has established a National Integrity Implementation Unit (NIIU) to operate as the secretariat of the NIS in order to guide, supervise and monitor each agency’s implementation of its plans. Meanwhile, the advisory council, over which the Prime Minister presides, would play the role of determining the overall policy for the NIS. This mission would compile information and data on each relevant agency’s policy/strategy, system/organization and operations/programs towards the establishment of national integrity, and would analyze the current situation and issues and prepare an improvement plan.