Strengthening of Malaria Control System Phase II in the Solomon Islands (2011-2014)
In the Solomon Islands, the prevalence rate of malaria was high, where 60–70% of malaria cases were falciparum malaria that easily causes serious complications. While the national incidence rate had been decreasing since the early 2000s, the morbidity rate varies significantly between regions. The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) of the Solomon Islands set the reduction of the malaria incidence rate and the mortality rate as a priority in the National Health Policies and Development Plans (2004–2005) and in the National Goals and Strategy Guide of 2006. However, because of the lack of capacity of the health systems, the malaria prevention strategies were not implemented effectively. The MHMS, with JICA’s technical assistance, implemented a project to establish a surveillance system for malaria and appropriate disease control measures between 2007 and 2010. Upon its completion in 2010, the MHMS requested JICA for an extension of the technical assistance, the Phase II Project for Strengthening of Malaria Control System in the Solomon Islands, to consolidate the achievements from the previous project. The second phase of the project aimed to strengthen the community-based malaria control system in the MHMS, Guadalcanal Province including Honiara City and Malaita Province by attaining the following outputs.
- Enhanced capacities of the National Vector Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP) and other related bodies for the implementation of the Malaria Action Plan (MAP).
- Strengthened vertical relationships among the MHMS, Guadalcanal Provincial Health Office (GPHO), Honiara City Council (HCC), health facilities and local communities for streamlined malaria control.
- Strengthened the malaria prevention-oriented health promotion system in communities.
- Strengthened Area Health Centers (AHC)–centered medical service provision for malaria patients.
See the local newspaper article on the success of the project. Solomon Star Article