Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education Project Phase 2 (SMASE Phase 2)
In Nigeria, improving quality of mathematics and science education is essential for long term human resources development. Teacher development, especially at the primary and secondary schools, is a key factor that can affects student achievement.
To this end, JICA commissioned IC Net to implement a technical cooperation project titled Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education Project Phase 2 (SMASE Phase 2) jointly with the Nigerian Ministry of Education. The overall goal of the project was to upgrade the capability of Nigerian primary school pupils in mathematics and science and teaching skills of primary school teachers. It aims to shift teaching paradigm to one focused on “Activities, Student-centered teaching, Experiments, and Improvisation (ASEI) & Plan, Do, See, Improve (PDSI) approach” in pilot states (Kaduna, Plateau, Niger). This approach is effective for ensuring lesson quality.
The SMASE Nigeria Project Phase 1 implemented training of State Trainers at the National In-Service Education Training (INSET) and training of Core Teachers at the State INSET in the three pilot states; Kaduna, Niger and Plateau. In Phase 2, the project implements National INSET targeting State Trainers from 33 states and the Federal Capital Territory and Local INSET targeting classroom teachers in the three pilot states.