Ex-Post Evaluation of 2015 Projects: Package I-1 (China) (August 2015–July 2016)
The ex-post evaluations conducted after the completion of official development assistance (ODA) projects in China were entrusted to IC Net by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to ensure an objective analysis of the program impact. IC Net evaluated the following projects on their relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability.
- Hubei Urban Flood Control Project (2000) assisted the construction and repairs of embankments, flood gates, and pumping stations in the cities in Hubei Province as a flood prevention measure. Historically, these cities in the Jianghan Plain is located at the confluence of the Yangtze and Han rivers have suffered from flooding, impairing the functions of the city.
- The Inland Higher Education Project in Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hubei, and Shanxi provinces assisted in the development of school buildings and facilities, and trained school administrators in order to improve the quality of higher education in the regions. Inland China is facing a shortage of a highly skilled workforce and teachers in the rural areas are inadequately trained to provide the necessary education. The ministries and the autonomous districts of inland China sought to narrow the economic growth gap with their coastal counterparts by increasing the quality of higher education in the region through this program.
- Inner Mongolia Afforestation and Vegetation Cover Project (2013) supported the environmental conservation of the Inner Mongolia region of China which has been threatened by logging and reclamation activities.
- Hohhot Environmental Improvement Project (2004) improved air and water quality in the cities of Hohhot and Baotou of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region by introducing gas and heating supply facilities with lower environmental impact and contaminant treatment facilities.
- The Xinjiang Yining City Environmental Renovation Project (2005) promoted the establishment of environmental infrastructures in Yining City in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to improve the city’s living conditions, provide a stable supply of clean drinking water, reduce pollutants, and encourage the safe disposal of solid waste.
- Harbin City Water Environment Improvement Project (2006) improved the sewage treatment capacity in Harbin City to reduce the pollution in the river running through the city and improve the living condition of local residents.
The lessons and recommendations drawn from these evaluations were shared with JICA’s stakeholders in order to improve the quality of ODA projects.