Gender and development focuses on not only women, but with the way in which a society assigns roles, responsibilities and expectations to both women and men. Oftentimes women face insurmountable inequalities particularly in developing countries, where they may not have any land tenure rights, reproductive rights, or political voice. IC Net experts incorporate gender mainstreaming in project formulation and implementation to prevent discrimination and violence against women and girls, provide economic and leadership opportunities, increase participation of women in the political process, improve security for women and girls, promote education, health and well-being, and other measures designed to directly benefit women and girls.

ICNet's Approach to Gender
Survey of Country Gender Profile for Egypt
Egypt, November 2017 –March 2018
Project on Gender Mainstreaming for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Cambodia
Cambodia, February 2017–August 2018 (ongoing)
Gender and Small-Scale Fisheries Entrepreneurship for Fishing Community Development in Japan
Myanmar, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Madagascar, Maldives, Micronesia, Morocco, and Vanuatu, December 2017–August 2018 (ongoing)
Research on Shining Women in the Asia and Pacific
Japan, China, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia), Manila the Philippines, and India, July 2018–November 2018
Survey on Moxa Production as a Women’s Income Generating Activity
Nepal, September 2016–September 2017
Capacity Development Project for Women in the Maya Region
Mexico, March 2007–March 2010
Capacity Building
Afghanistan, 2004–2005