IC Net believes that strategic planning through monitoring and evaluation is essential for government and donors to make informed decisions. IC Net has conducted hundreds of monitoring and evaluating projects worldwide in ex-ante, midterm, final and impact (experimental and quasi-experimental) evaluations. Our experts measure immediate economic and social effects and longer-term impacts, such as the benefits of the investments; and sustainability of the investments, their benefits and the environment. In fact, IC Net is one of the biggest contributors in the evaluation of JICA’s yen loan projects and has established the status of top class evaluator. IC Net experts have evaluated projects in agriculture, power, transportation, disposal systems, water and sewerage, irrigation, and construction.
ICNet's Approach to Monitoring and Evaluation
External Ex-Post Evaluation of 2016 Projects: Package Ⅲ-1
Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania, October 2016–September 2017
Evaluation of the Plan to Promote Sustainability in Rural Water Supply, Hygiene and Sanitation
Mozambique, May 2017–July 2017
Terminal Evaluation of the Project for Rice-based Agriculture Development
Afghanistan, October 2016–February 2017
Ex-Post Evaluation of 2015 Projects: Package I-5
Mongolia, Nepal, Bhutan, Indonesia, Tajikistan, August 2015–July 2016
Ex-Post Evaluation of 2015 Projects: Package I-1
China, August 2015–July 2016
Fisheries, Resource Management
Panama, November 2015
Business, Construction, Transport: II-3
India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Indonesia, 2012-2013
Construction, Agriculture, Environment: Package IV-1
Philippines, 2011-2012
Construction, Transport: Package 4
China, 2010-2011
Transport, Capacity development: Package IV-1
Vietnam, 2010-2011
Transport, Agriculture: Package IV-6
Philippines, 2011
Environment : Package 5
China, 2009-2010
Agriculture, Power: Package 2
Bangladesh, India, 2009-2010
Environment, Agriculture: Package II-4
China, 2009-2010
Transport, Power: Package 15
Philippines, 2010
Power: Package II
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, 2008-2009
Agriculture, Transport
Brazil, Peru, 2007-2008
Transport, Disposal system, Water, Construction
Pakistan , Thailand, Indonesia, China, 2007
Agriculture, Environment, Finance, Construction, Power
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Brazil, Mexico, 2006